
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Memo To Every Campaign Email List I'm On

I know it's Halloween. Your "scary Republicans" stuff is AWFULLY witty, but I'd rather know what you're fighting for and why you should win.

I'm sure it made your speechwriters crack up, but "The GOP is a trick and not a treat!" isn't exactly bowling them over at the Chuckle Factory. And the "A Halloween Nightmare; Rudy in the White House" isn't exactly original if every one of your primary opponents is doing the same thing.

This is politics, not open mike night. If you're going to be funny, bring it. Don't give me some warmed-over "Monster Mash" joke and expect me to send money.

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