
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Friday, September 03, 2004

Clinton to have bypass surgery

I have plenty to say about the RNC, Bush's speech, and Kerry's forceful response. But real quickly, Bill Clinton was admitted into a hospital in New York, and will have bypass surgery tomorrow. The mortality rate for this surgery is very low. Our thoughts are with him.

As a side note, Wolf Blitzer just admitted one Big Lie often told about the Big Dog. He said that (paraphrasing) "we (the media) often characterized him as always going to eating, because he would jog to a McDonald's in Little Rock while on the campaign trail. But that wasn't true, he would go in and maybe get some decaf coffee."

Thanks for that mea culpa, Wolfie. It's about 12 years too late, but thanks.
