Gillespie on CNN: Bush served in the Air Force
Misspeak, lie, or deliberate misspeak? You be the judge.
Gillespie and McAuliffe debated on Inside Politics today, and the conversation veered to the Bush/TANG controversy. Gillespie says "President Bush served honorably; 50 service points, what I understand, is required. President Bush racked up 300 service points. He was on active duty as a fighter pilot for over a year in the Air Force."
Here's the transcript. McAuliffe did not correct him.
Fits a pattern, no? After all, Bush and his surrogates have been lying about his being in the Air Force for years.
As Kos commenter eafredel notes: "Bush did not serve in the Air Force. A member of the Texas Air National Guard who is called to active duty (or who is on active duty status during pilot training or otherwise) is a member of the Texas Air National Guard on active duty. This is what the Pentagon says. Service in the National Guard is military service, but it is not Air Force service."
Another day, another lie.
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