
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Kerry sounds awful... literally speaking

Just heard a speech in Florida. He's lost his voice completely. Better button that up before the debates.

However, the attack has sharpened in direct proportion with how the voice has weakened, particularly on Iraq. Given that, I don't think there's any need to even address Bush campign commercials, as Mike McCurry and others did today. I agree with Jeffrey Dubner on this one; it makes you look like a whiner, and it distracts from the debate. So what if they're using footage of Kerry windsurfing in some commercial? If anything, it reflects badly on the GOP for making jokes while thousands die in Iraq. When Kerry said "people are being beheaded" yesterday at his excellent press conference, that marked a turning point. It said to America, "This is serious business, folks. We need serious leadership."

I'm all for lampooning the other side, but at this stage of the game it almost comes off like laughing during a funeral. So why even address it? Let it die on the vine.
