
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Friday, January 21, 2005

Michael Powell Stepping Down

This is actually really big news. I have no faith in the President's cabinet appointments, but the Congress' bipartisan slamming of Powell's relaxed media regulation reforms had to be a wake-up call that America does not want concentrated media ownership. This is one of those issues on which Democrats are undeniably supported by broad swaths of the public. Unfortunately, it's in Big Media's best interest not to report on it.

We obviously need an FCC Chair that isn't insanely poking around for any sign of indecency in everything, even Athenian statues. But we also need a voice committed to broad media diversity, to independence of broadcasting, and all of the other implementations that will reduce the impact of Corporate Controlled Media in America. Go here and sign the petition to ask for a new chair that recognizes these needs.
