
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

We're not looking for weapons of mass destruction anymore.

Of course, that was four rationales ago.

It's amazing that this isn't a page one story on every newspaper in America. This is a tacit acknowledgement that the original reason for a war that has cost 1,300 Americans and close to 100,000 Iraqis their lives was wrong. Mistake, lie, whatever you want to call it (and plenty would opt for the latter), this was an incalculable error in judgment. The biggest surprise to me is that the GOP didn't try to fake their way through it, showing some exclusive footage of a group of actors playing Marines, in front of a desert backdrop from the Hop-Crosby road movies, with one of our bombs with "United States" crossed out and "Irak" scrawled on it.

Will this failure help to stop future pre-emptive wars, because the media realizes that they were too cowed by Administration pressure to adequately report on the realities of Saddam's WMD capability? I don't know, although it did seem like the Iran ramp-up talk back in December was a big-time nonstarter. But the fact that "NO WMD" isn't in big letters on front pages somewhere today is very dispiriting.

Tell me again why the Republicans are the party of national security, by the way?
