I'll put Grandma's Check on Red
Do Republicans just have a great sense of humor, or are they that blind to the failings of their members that it doesn't matter? Either way, the appointment of William Bennett to head the hatchet job on the AARP (in support of the President's Social Security phase-out plan) is the funniest bit of strange bedfellows I've ever heard. So you mean the guy who gambled away millions of dollars on slots is the guy who'll make the case to privatize Social Security? How about an attack ad where Bennett turns away from a craps table to say "The AARP doesn't know what to do with your money. I do. COME ON, BABY NEEDS A NEW PAIR OF SHOES!"
Meanwhile, "USANext," the GOP front group charged with beating up on the AARP, not only has hired former operatives from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads (because they know so much about price and wage indexing, I'm sure), they've posted their first Web ad. Wait, take a guess how they're going to take down a lobbying group for seniors:

That's right, by saying they're pro-gay marriage and anti-troop!
If the American people don't understand that this smear is a template, it's hopeless. By the way, they pulled the ad from the original site, the American Spectator. No matter, the free media is all they were going for. And they've got it. This is how these scumbags work. The point is to obfuscate, to whisper, to slime and then throw up one's hands, saying "What are you talking about?"
It's sad.
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