
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, February 24, 2005

This Is The Matter With Kansas

They have lost all respect for privacy and the rule of law:

WICHITA, Kan. The attorney general of Kansas wants to know the detailed history of the sex lives of nearly 90 women who received late-term abortions.

Court documents show that Phill Kline wants to search the documents for evidence of crimes under laws that limit late-term abortions and require mandatory reporting of suspected child sexual abuse.

Under the order signed by a judge, the attorney general would get records that would include each patient's name, medical history, details of her sex life, birth control practices and psychological profile.

The Wichita Eagle says two medical clinics have asked the Kansas Supreme Court to intercede.

Why is it that the fundamentalist conservatives who want sex out of the schools, off of TV, and out of the bedroom (out of wedlock) want it on paper for them to read? Have we gone that far back into the Victorian Age that we have an unquenchable desire for salacious reading material that we can pore over again and again and again?

Never mind the fact that this actually reaches further back into our shared history, into the late 17th-century predilection for attaching scarlet A's to the bosoms of nubile young sinner women.

This Phill Kline, a former Limbaugh clone from Kansas City, has similarly intervened in cases involving the age of consent and homosexual rape. Talk about sex on the brain.
