
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Online Bipartisanship

Here at D-Day we relish in snapping at the right blogsphere, but when it comes down to it, we appreciate that there are a few intelligent, concerned citizens on the other side of the aisle, at least when they bring facts and insight into the debate. A blogger named Tunesmith came up with a great idea to reach across online party lines, and band together against this pathetic bankruptcy bill on the verge of passing through the Senate. Many on the right are not happy with this bill, as are most of us on the left.

I wholeheartedly support the effort, and am using this post to promote Tunesmith's site, Politology. It's important for us to highlight these points of crossover in the blogosphere, so that everyone knows full well that we are watching what legislators are doing on The Hill, and that we no longer will brook back-alley, clandestine, pay-for-play deals between politicians and big business. It's OUR government. This bill is not right vs. left, but citizen vs. corporate and wealthy. Whatever you think about what side the GOP leadership is on, many of its rank-and-file in the blogosphere are not. They know how this bill will hurt a lot of average Americans, while doing nothing to stop the wealthy from hiding their assets in protective trusts. Right-leaning blogger Just One Minute has some good thoughts on this.

Let's get this going, and make sure our elected officials in Washington know that they're accountable to US, not the credit card industry.
