
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Forward Thinking

This is a great idea from the guys at People for the American Way. I just got this email:

We’re down to the wire—and we’re going to need IMMEDIATE response to stop Senator Frist when he attempts to trigger the “nuclear option” to shut down debate about judicial nominees.  So, we’re trying something new and groundbreaking—and we need you to be part of it.

It’s called Mass Immediate Response (MIR) and it allows thousands  of people to contact the Senate and make their voices heard all at the same time.

Here’s how it works: As soon as Senate Republicans trigger the “nuclear option,” we’ll send a text message to your cell phone. Embedded in that text message is a link to a Senate phone number based on your state.  With the push of a couple buttons, your call – along with thousands of others – goes right through to the corridors of power demanding preservation of the filibuster.  (Very simple instructions about how this will work on your phone model will be made available when you sign up.)

Join our massive immediate response!

They promise not to disclose your cell phone number, and I believe them. This is great: finally technology is being used for good, not eeee-villl! It's good to see progressives thking differently about activism and awareness in Washington.

And, with Frist's proposal going down in flames, I hope they never have occasion to text me.
