
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Get Over It

I see that Bill Frist is sending up the name of William Myers for cloture despite the deal made last night by the bipartisan coalition of Senators striking Myers from the possible list of confirmed judges (I guess Fristy is using the "put-my-fingers-in-my-ears-and-yell-'La La La!!! I can't hear you!!!'" technique of governance). And I hear tell that the right blogosphere is raising holy hell about the aforementioned deal.

I don't understand why they just can't get over it. Why can't they see that a majority of Senators voted to keep the institution the way it is, protective of minority rights and a model of consensus-building? See, there was an accountability moment for the Nuclear Option. That moment has passed, and continuing to squabble about it just hurts the country.

For the good of the nation, Republicans need to stop whining, get over their loss and return to the business of serving the interests of the American people.

(See what I did there? No? Then you haven't been living in this country the last five years, and hearing this kind of arrogant, disdainful nonsense coming out of the mouths of every Republican within earshot. Doesn't feel too good being on the other side, does it?)
