
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Reformer With Results

This is about a week old, but it's finally hitting the blogosphere in force. John Bolton, who was sent (under cover of recess) to the UN to strike a blow for reform, has been systematically undermining UN reform efforts. A memo shows what Bolton's attempting to do to a previously negotiated, US-supported plan for reform:

In short, the document does the following:

~ knocks out entirely the Millennium Development Goals

~ continues to undermine collective efforts against climate change

~ knocks out targets and timetables for all goals and objectives

~ guts any efforts toward further disarmament objectives and focuses exclusively on non-proliferation, while both had always been important objectives in the past

~ strikes the section that states that countries will use force only as last resort

~ and oddly, strikes out the need to establish a legal definition of terrorism, which the Bush administration has previously stated is a requirement before proceeding towards a U.N. Convention on Terorrism.

So Bolton's continuing to enhance our sterling reputation around the globe by backing out on previously negotiated conventions, demanding the he gets his way. Thanks for leading the way on reform, there, John.
