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So in our continuing quest to spread freedom and democracy around the globe, the White House congratulated the new King of Saudi Arabia for ascending to the throne of succession in the wake of the death of King Fahd:
On behalf of the United States, I congratulate my friend, King Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, on assuming the Saudi throne and the position of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. We wish Saudi Arabia peace and prosperity under his leadership. I have spoken today to the new King, and the United States looks forward to continuing the close partnership between our two countries.
This despite the fact that it's, well, a monarchy. And despite the monarchy's continued vigor in stifling any dissent or calls for democracy in the Kingdom. Last week two reformers were jailed for 6-9 years for circulating a petition calling for democracy. Yeah, a petition.
And still we cover for the Saudis. We do it for access to cheap oil, although it isn't all that cheap anymore. We do it because we believe strong central governments that silence dissent are good for distributing natural resources. Period.
And after funding international terrorism for decades, despite having 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers come from the Kingdom, we still play these cover story games. We're like a battered wife covering for their violent husband. "Sure, their fully-funded madrassahs preach hate and create a support system for terrorists, but that doesn't mean they're not our ally! Bruises on my face, what bruises on my face? I fell! Saudi Arabia said to say I fell."
What do you do? You don't let the Saudi Royal Family dictate US policy. If you're serious about this democracy thing, nobody gets a free pass.
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