Friday night Boston Terrier blogging

She had knee surgery about a month ago. Allow me to rant for a moment about the atrocity that is Veterinary Pet Insurance.
So she had this thing called a luxating patella, where the knee goes out of its socket intermittently. I shop around, and the surgery she'd need costs about three grand (welcome to Southern California, where everything costs twice as much!). I've had this pet insurance for about 2 years now, never used it. Finally, I figured I'd get something out of this thing for which I pay a little over $30/month.
No siree. It's "a congenital or hereditary condition," so they don't cover it. Now, I have bad eyesight. My father has bad eyesight. Would my insurance provider turn me down for glasses because my bad eyesight is hereditary?
What a bunch of B.S. The field of pet insurance is so new that they can get away with murder. I advise everyone against VPI until they get their act together.
p.s. The dog's doing fine, she's walking again (albeit tentaively).
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