Seriously, Impeach This Guy
The Vice President is now lobbying for torture on Capitol Hill:
U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney made an unusual personal appeal to Republican senators this week to allow CIA exemptions to a proposed ban on the torture of terror suspects in U.S. custody, according to participants in a closed-door session.
Cheney told his audience the United States doesn't engage in torture, these participants added, even though he said the administration needed an exemption from any legislation banning ``cruel, inhuman or degrading" treatment in case the president decided one was necessary to prevent a terrorist attack.
Shorter Cheney - we don't torture anyone, but we have to be ALLOWED to do so.
And to believe we don't torture anyone, you'd have to ignore your lyin' eyes.

This is what the highest levels of our government is advocating, after they've expressly said over and over again that they had nothing to do with authorizing these procedures. You have to be a fool to believe all of that.
And the one member of the Senate who's felt the sting of torture is fighting back.
The U.S. Senate added language barring inhumane treatment of enemy combatants to legislation that sets military policy, the second major defense measure the chamber has amended with this provision.
The amendment sponsored by Arizona Republican Senator John McCain passed by a voice vote. It was attached to the Senate's fiscal 2006 defense spending bill Oct. 6 by a vote of 90-9. That bill is being negotiated with members of the U.S. House, including Republicans whose support is in question.
McCain said his intent is to prevent abuses such as those at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. He vowed today that his measure would be "on every vehicle that goes through this body" until it's enacted into law. "It's not going away," he said on the Senate floor. "This issue is incredibly harmful to the United States of America and our image throughout the world."
Amen. If these guys in the White House had any shame, I'd suggest this is the time for some self-reflection. McCain and the "Gang of 90" in the Senate give me hope that we haven't lost our way in this country.
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