
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Monday, December 12, 2005

This Must Be Hillary's Idea

In this otherwise nondescript article about the upcoming Iraqi vote, this caught me eye:

In the first day of early voting, about 250,000 Iraqis - soldiers, police, hospital patients and prisoners in jail - cast ballots, according to election official Abdul-Hussein Hendawi. Iraqi television aired footage showing inmates in orange jumpsuits depositing their ballots in jailhouse boxes.

Those must be the prisoners who HAVEN'T been tortured.

Now, isn't it an established right wing talking point that Hillary and the Dems want to subvert the electoral process by letting felons vote?

Here's what the Right blogosphere had to say about the exact same process in Iraq:

(crickets chirping)
