
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Monday, January 16, 2006

Clinton Was For Warrantless Searches Before He Was Against Them

Here are the GOP Talking Points on the Gore speech.

They don't put out Talking Points Memos unless they have to. This speech cut to the quick.

Here's some of the brilliant logic (as noted by NYC Sophia):

"Clinton/Gore Administration Used Warrantless Searches:"


"-- Kristol: "I Wish Bill Clinton Had Done This. I Wish We Had Tapped The Phones Of The People Of Mohammed Atta Here Into The United States If We Discovered Phone Calls From Afghanistan To Him. That Was Why 9/11 Happened. That's What Connecting The Dots Is." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 12/18/05)"

So, Clinton used warrantless searches, but he didn't use them, and that's why 9/11 happened. Genius-level reasoning there.

This from Bill Kristol, who just yesterday on Fox News Sunday defended Clinton's 1998 Operation Desert Fox as something that "went a long way to disarming Iraq," who USED Desert Fox as an example of what could be done in Iran, and yet at the time (and even recently) criticized it because it made Saddam throw out the inspectors.

He's useless. His arguments are FULL of contradictions, because he trusts that nobody who takes him seriously has an attention span of more than 8 seconds.
