Darn Good Progress
The President made a nice photo-op today, gathering around a bunch of former White House officials to discuss events in Iraq. I hope he listens to all the viewpoints around the table, but until I see an actual change in policy rather than smiling for the cameras, I'm skeptical. I'm skeptical because of statements like this:
The main thrust of our success will be when the Iraqis are able to take the fight to the enemy that wants to stop their democracy, and we're making darn good progress along those lines.
Sounds like a tragically out of touch statement on a day when things like this happen:
Two suicide bombers killed 120 people and wounded more than 200 in the cities of Kerbala and Ramadi on Thursday in Iraq's bloodiest day for four months.
Another three bombs exploded in Baghdad, two of them detonated by suicide bombers, and insurgents sabotaged an oil pipeline near the northern city of Kirkuk, starting a huge fire.
The beat continues to go on in the sad and desperate lives of the Iraqi people. To reverse the trend takes more than happy talk. It takes more than saying "stay the course." It takes more than pretty pictures. It takes listening and acting on recommendations. That would involve leadership.
UPDATE: My suspicions proven by the fact that the President spent "5 to 10 minutes" listening to the group of former cabinet members. But hey, it's a great picture!

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