
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Monday, January 02, 2006

The Superdome? For Football?

From the absurd news site Happy News, (yes, they only report HAPPY news. It's a small site) we learn that New Orleans has decided to devote a good portion of its meager resources to where they are clearly most needed: fixing goalposts.

Owner Tom Benson said Friday that the team might be able to return to the hurricane-ravaged Superdome as early as September, while NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue was far more cautious in setting a timetable.

Asked whether New Orleans could support an NFL team long-term, he said, ''We think it can, but it's not a slam dunk.''

However, Benson said the state agency managing the Superdome told him the stadium can be ready for games by Sept. 15.

You know, when I think about where to hold an exciting, rollicking NFL football game, nothing springs to mind quicker than a site of extreme human misery like the Superdome. I understand that the local economy would be helped by the Saints' return, but does it really make sense to hold games THERE? After everything that went down? (warning... extreme satire alert) What can we expect: "Welcome to Ration Night here at the Louisiana Superdome! The first 10,000 fans through the gates receive a Meal-Ready-to-Eat of rice paste... It's halftime now, and we're going to have another "Jump from the Upper Level Balcony" Race... Section 18, Row 3, Seat 6, you are the lucky seat today! We've actually cleaned the human excrement off of it!"

Why is everybody looking at this as an unquestioned good thing? Tell me it won't be creepy watching football inside a house of horrors.
