
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Burning Questions

Only on Fox... the nation's top cop answers the questions nobody else would dare put to him... because they're so completely irrelevant and stupid:

E.D. HILL: Ok. And finally, we were talking about this state pies. I don’t believe Texas has one. Florida is changing from key lime to pecan pie –

STEVE DOOCY: Yeah, maybe, it’s a big debate.

HILL: Now shouldn’t Texas lay claim to the pecan pie?

GONZALES: Oh, I’ll tell you, I’ve eaten some great — both key lime pie and pecan pie in Texas.

DOOCY: Are you a – if I can ask you a personal question – are you, sir, a pie a la mode man, do you prefer ice cream on the top or do you prefer whipped cream?

GONZALES: I’m not a whipped cream fan. I like good old blue bell vanilla ice cream from Texas.

HILL: The best. Ok, well, there’s an answer — thank you.

DOOCY: Alberto Gonzales, the attorney general of the United States and a confessed pie lover.

You won't see hard-hitting journalism like this anywhere else! Oh, wait, sadly, you will. All the time. Mm-hm.

Guys, next time, if you could throw in a question about how the Attorney General appeared to suggest there are other eavesdropping programs in his written answers to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, that'd be great. Of course, I don't want to step on the ongoing pie debate. But if you could get one question in there, I'd appreciate it.
