Easily Stereotyped
My favorite "liberal" columnist Joe Klein writes an article for Time's website that essentially says "Karl Rove is looking to demonize Democrats to win the election this fall - let me help him!" In it he has this deeply offensive passage.
But the ugly truth is that Conyers is a twofer: in addition to being foolishly incendiary, he is an African American of a certain age and ideology, easily stereotyped by Republicans...
Yeah, Conyers is of "a certain age" all right. The age when blacks got too uppity and suddenly decided that they wanted equal rights and equal protection under the law. How dare theose black people demand that they eat at the same lunch counter as whites, or use the same water fountain! Yes, that is an easy stereotype. "Wahh wahh... white supremacists are lynching me... wahh wahh... I'm mad because I can be sent to jail or strung from a tree just for looking at a white woman... wahh wahh... look at me, I just want attention!"
This guy should be shunned on the street.
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