
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Friday, May 26, 2006

He Got The Gay Cooties On Him

Out "slimebucket of the day" award goes to Bob Ney, not just for taking bribes for the better part of his career from Jack Abramoff and others, but for this profile in sleaze, where he slams his opponent in November's Congressional election, Zack Space, for TALKING to a gay woman.

The ultra-liberal colors of Ohio's 18th District Democrat Congressional candidate Zack Space keep shining through. At the same time as he was campaigning with failed Presidential candidate and avowed Second Amendment opponent John Kerry in Ohio last week, Zack continued his outreach efforts to the national liberal and gay rights establishment by giving a lengthy radio interview on the liberal Air America network with one of the country's leading gay rights advocates, Rachel Maddow. Interestingly, a major financial sponsor of Air America is , the same liberal organization based in Washington D.C., which Space purports to have no connection with, but which has been funding negative soft-money attacks against Congressman Bob Ney.

Maddow, who lives in New York City with her "partner," questioned Space about a variety of issues popular with the national liberal establishment while acknowledging at one point that she uses a different name when dressed "in drag." But perhaps the most interesting aspect of her interview with Space came at the end with a stunning admission by Space that he doesn't sense "social issues" are still "hot button" issues.

There is no substance here. Rachel Maddow is an openly gay radio host. That makes her worthy of scorn, and according to Bob Ney, nobody should ever be seen with her. Eventually we'll look back on crap like this with the same kind of pity reserved for race-baiters from the 50s. Right now it deserves scorn. A corrupt Congressman who can't win on the issues decides to launch a homophobic tirade to make a play to gay-bashers. This is a political version of a hate crime.
