
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Kenny Boy Down


Enron founder Kenneth Lay was convicted today of all six counts against him, including conspiracy to commit securities and wire fraud.

Former Enron Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling was convicted of conspiracy to commit securities and wire fraud.

Well, that certainly begins to restore my faith in the criminal justice system. I followed the trial, and I was stunned that the defense was essentially ignorance. Lay and Skilling that they were ignorant of the dealings of their own company. It didn't fly.

Lay and Skilling of course were major contributors to the Republican Party, and at least Lay was a close personal friend of President Bush. I wonder if there'll be a magic pardon just before leaving office?

But today is about vindication for all those employees that simply did what they were hired to do at Enron for decades, diligently paying into a pension program that vanished because of the avarice of the executives. They deserve restitution, but I can't help but think they are feeling some satisfaction today.
