
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Net Neutrality Vote Today - Victory!

I just got off with Howard Berman's office. He's a longtime California congressman who was undecided on how to vote on the Sensenbrenner-Conyers bill HR 5417 (that's right, Sensenbrenner AND Conyers supported the same bill!) supporting Net neutrality and the principle of a free Internet with equal access for all. I asked him to support the bill.

I'm taking all the credit because the bill just passed the House Judiciary Committee, with Berman and all the Democrats but one voting for it. Ed Delahunt of Massachusetts voted "present." Guess that telecom money felt too good in his pocket.

This is pretty awesome, showing how people power can beat back corporate attempts to control our information flow. Matt Stoller and the folks at Save The Internet should be proud of their work.
