I think this Tony Snow thing is turning into yet another embarrassment for the Administration. You can make shit up on right-wing radio all the live-long day and get no mention of your lies and misleading statements outside of Media Matters. When you're the press secretary and you make shit up it's news, and you can't wriggle your way out of it. This case, where Snow claimed "activist judges" overturned the will of the people on marriage in Massachusetts when that is not at all the case (there's never been such a referendum in the Bay State, the judge's ruling arose out of 7 couples trying to obtain marriage licenses), is at least the third outright lie I've heard Snow say in a week. He also called a gay marriage ban civil rights legislation today, and last week he claimed that the Iraqi Prime Minister was misquoted when he lashed out at multinational troops for "common(ly)" harming civilians. Condi Rice contradicted him on that Sunday.
Tony Snow cut his political teeth in Fox News and right-wing radio, which exists on an entirely different reality plane where you can make shit up over and over again without any retribution. Snow has never been called on lies in the past. So why care about telling the truth now? It sounds right, the will of the people maybe shouldn't be overturned, somewhere people voted to ban gay marriage, it's just truthy enough that he thinks he can get away with it.
It was better for the administration to have a press secretary who said nothing rather than one that makes shit up. This is backfiring.
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