Democratic Debate is a Symbolic Gesture
Glenn Greenwald just said the above title in a privacy panel. That's a crucial point. I mentioned yesterday the conference committee that dumped a resolution against funding permanent bases in Iraq, despite it specifically being passed in both party. We can debate and vote on issues, but it's all kabuki theater if the reality is that the Congress can overturn the laws legislated, and the President can ignore the laws that do get through which he doesn't like.
There is no democracy if it exists as nothing more than a movie backdrop with nothing behind it. Congress and the courts thus far won't do anything about it. Just ask Jack Cafferty.
In the end, Senator Specter has turned out to be yet another gutless Republican worm cowering in the face of pressure from the administration and fellow Republicans. There are not going to be any hearings. Americans won't find out if their privacy is being illegally invaded.
You know what the Senate Judiciary Committee settled for instead? Senator Orrin Hatch said he has won assurances from Vice President Dick Cheney that the White House will review proposed changes to the law that would restrict certain aspects of the NSA program.
Dick Cheney is going to decide if it's OK to spy on American citizens without a warrant. And this worthless bunch senators has agreed to let him do it. It's a disgrace.
The war on terror is not enough of a reason to suspend democracy. Because if that's the case, we end up fighting for nothing. This current crop of people in power want to raise the rhetoric of expanding freedom abroad, while obliterating it at home.
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