
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Mickey Worm

Mickey Kaus, still in the running for dumbest man walking upright, gets all snippy because top bloggers are passing him by (no link as he's not worth it):

I rag on Markos Moulitsas for his 2004 "screw them" comment about the four American security contractors killed in Fallujah. That comment was more offensive than anything Ann Coulter's book is currently being criticized for. But I have to say that just as Coulter's comments become much less shocking when read in context (Chapter 4 of Godless, criticizing the press canonization of four highly political, pro-Kerry 9/11 widows), Moulitsas' comment also becomes more understandable when you read it on its original page, which is here [search for "screw"]. As his subsequent childhood-blaming non-apology apology makes clear, he thinks he's making a distinction between Americans who are "trying to help the people make Iraq a better place" and mercenaries who voluntarily accept risk in exchange for cash [...]

Yet Tim Russert and the rest of the MSM are falling over themselves giving respect to Kos. Is this due to a) liberal bias or b) Kos' seemingly determined Graydon-Carteresque attempt to make himself presentable** and join the club [$] he's been attacking? I suspect (b). Coulter would be on Meet the Press too if she decided to tone herself down. [But she wouldn't have gotten famous in the first place if she'd toned herself down--ed. Right. It's all in the timing!] ...

1,000,000 words over four years, probably more, and the right (not just Mick but others) still can't find anything more than those two - screw them - to use as ammo.

Mickey Kaus is a self-loathing fool who desperately wants to be famous but is so wracked with jealousy about those more talented around him in Hollywood every day that he's decided to hate their politics because (a) it makes him popular with the conservosphere, gaining the "ain't I cool" status he could never get for his banalities elsewhere, and (b) it makes his low-rent North Hollywood shittiest-condo-in-the-world (ever see the white-plaster backdrop on his gig?) life somehow bearable.

Ever served in a forward area, Mick? Ever spoken to a soldier? Because Kos was one, and he actually has an insight into how the military feels about trained killers who don't follow their rules and make their jobs impossible. Mercenaries have gone a long way into destroying whatever is left of a victory strategy in this war. The whole random shooting at civilians and making trophy videos about it doesn't do much to win hearts and minds. They exist outside the law, they don't give a crap who wins or loses, their harm is well-documented throughout human history, and they undermine the war effort.

This guy's a lout and a gossip-monger, who actually thinks Patrick Healy's ridiculous story on the Clinton marriage was a good thing because it was widely read (he's from the "as long as they're talking about it" school of the tabloidization of pretty much everything, which makes sense, because he doesn't give a shit about anything real). He lost his influence about four years ago and he now seeks to make outrageous statements ("We need MORE surveillance") in a futile attempt to get somebody to pay attention to him. Sorry you weren't on MTP, Mickey. Sorry your opinions are stale and vomitous. Sorry about your penis.
