
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I've had my registration for this event for about six months. I'll be in Vegas from Thursday to Sunday, and armed with my trusty laptop and digital camera I'll be liveblogging (and maybe even videoblogging) as much as humanly possible. Need to load Final Cut Pro on this laptop, however, iMovie is a piece of garbage, and this professional editor can't figure out how to use it efficiently.

Being that this has become much bigger than Kos, and is really the first-ever people-powered political convention, I think it has the potential to be historic. I also find myself getting a lot of messages about free parties and free booze and free food and free movie screenings while in Vegas, so it could be just your run-of-the-mill schmoozefest, which makes me wary. I hope politicians don't look at this as an opportunity to ply me with liquor and get me on their side. I really don't care to be bought off. It's a two-way conversation now, not a one-way "have a gin and tonic and vote for me" kind of thing that comes right out of the tradition of Tammany Hall.

But my hopes are much, much higher for the event. And whatever it is, I'll bring it to you, unvarnished.
