
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Friday, July 14, 2006

One Quick Point About Liberal Academia

This is a familiar talking point on the Right, that our colleges and universities are bastions of elitist communist homo cheese eating wine drinking libruls, out to convert our children into Murca-hating lefties. Chief among those universities offered up for scorn is Cal-Berkeley. You'd think Professor Che Guevara was still teaching there to hear the Right.

Here's the faculty profile for John Yoo, the man most responsible for the idea of unitary executive power that has led to secret prisons, multiple acts of torture, suspension of habeas corpus for detainees, illegal military commissions, signing statements that overturn Congressional statutes, and warrantless wiretapping, just to name a few of the more damaging instances that have put our Constitution in crisis.

He teaches at Berkeley.
