
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Monday, August 07, 2006

Make War Not Love

Martin Peretz, whose New Republic has lost massive subscription rates in the past 4 years, and who appears to be a thundering jackass to boot, pens a column for The Wall Street Journal today that might as well have been written in 1972. In fact it features 1972, proving my point from last week that Ned Lamont's fight is George McGovern's fight, that the squares still imagine themselves at war with the hippies, that nothing has changed with these guys in 30 years.

Max Sawicky obliterates the whole thing at TPM Cafe.

Martin Peretz is here to tell you, where else, via that liberal media the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, that the "really true-red" state of Connecticut is full of "thought-enforcer" commies who are going to give commie Ned Lamont a primary victory tomorrow over Joe Lieberman. Commie Ned Lamont is "from the stock of Morgan partner Thomas Lamont and that most high-born American Stalinist, Corliss Lamont." One 'a them rich commies! The Lamont campaign echoes that of George McGovern, who is like Stalinist Commie agent Henry Wallace. Do you get the picture?

(It would only confuse the reader to reveal that JL himself was a McGovernik anti-war type in his younger days.)

A little note slipped in at the end is that we are not just talking about commies. We're talkin black commies, the worst kind: "Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters have stumped for Mr. Lamont." (No white folks support Lamont? In Connecticut?)

Methinks someone's slip is showing.

Peretz holds people in contempt. Anyone that decides on their own that a neocon enabler who hurts the Democratic Party repeatedly might not be the best choice for the Democratic primary is a lunatic. A wild-eyed hippie peacenik lunatic.

This hatred and contempt of the people is why the Democrats have been losing elections for years and years. Funny how that's always their critique of the "whacko liberal lefty" crowd. It's pure projection. They don't want the barbarians at the gate to come over the wall. The problem is that thanks to technology, and the general sense that their way isn't working, there is no wall to speak of.
