Quick Hits
I really need to clear out my story dump:
• I'm calling bullshit on George W. Bush reading 60 books and three Shakespeares this year, and frankly I don't want him to. Guys working on their screenplays and retired bibliophiles have enough time to read 60 books a year. The President shoud not.
• What some would call participatory deomcracy, others would call a homeland security threat:
Proponents of Proposition 89, which would reduce the role of big money in politics, were warned by a California Highway Patrol (CHP) officer yesterday that they could be considered a "homeland security threat" as they filmed lawmakers and lobbyists wrapping up end of the session deals.
"When did the CHP become a private security force for corporate lobbyists? Prop 89, the campaign finance overhaul, will make the Capitol a public space again," said Jerry Flanagan of the nonpartisan Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR).
FTCR's public interest news crew, Channel 89, was in the Capitol yesterday filming lawmakers and lobbyists as they exchange favors and campaign contributions in the final days of the legislative session. A CHP officer warned the Channel 89 staff that they could be considered a "homeland security threat" for filming the democratic process in the Capitol. Shortly after, Channel 89 staff members were stopped as they tried to interview Assembly Speaker Nuñez outside his office. The CHP called FTCR staff to suggest they were breaking the law.
How dare they try to interview people on a public street! They're taking this democracy thing WAYYY too seriously.
• This is an interesting post at TAPPED that I've been meaning to share. Word of mouth has always been the best form of advertising. We are well into the age of online word of mouth, and savvy political campaigns could use this to great effect.
• The US is investigating Israel for using cluster bombs given to them by the US.
Let me shake my head loose until I understand that one. Were they just supposed to HOLD the bombs we sold them? Talk about projection.
• Another welcome addition to the freedom agenda. The White House is hosting the premier of Kazakhstan, one of the most autocratic countries on the globe. I believe that realpolitik exists and that the enemy of your enemy can be your friend, but there's such a disconnect between "freedom is on the march" rhetoric and reality.
• A great discussion about Edward R. Murrow and Keith Olbermann. For some reason I remembered watching the very first broadcast of ESPN2, anchored by Olbermann in a leather biker's jacket (it was considered hip then). His opening line was "Welcome to the end of all of our careers." You've come a long way, baby.
• Support Debra Bowen for California's Secretary of State so that attempting to steal elections does not go unpunished, as I suspect this will.
• From the great TBogg, you really need to read this and this and then discuss amongst yourselves.
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