
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Unbelievable Hubris

Read this absurd response to the biggest question of the week:

Gibson: Let me ask you a couple of broader questions. You talked in your speech on Tuesday about working with friends in the region. To deny terrorists safe haven. On that very day, President Musharraf was signing an agreement with the Taliban to in effect give them free reign in an area on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Isn't that exactly doing, he's giving them safe haven? (crosstalk)

Bush: I don't read it that way. As a matter of fact, the intelligence community came in and gave me a little more, uh, granularity on what he had done.

Hey, trust me, I haven't steered you wrong before! Have I? Have I?

Let's read on:

What he (Musharraf) is doing is entering agreements with governors in the regions of the country, in the hopes that there would be an economic vitality, there will be alternatives to violence and terror.

How incoherent is that? Musharraf is just hoping the Islamofascists, who Bush has said have no regard for human life and will stop at nothing to build a caliphate, will get all googly and give up the movement over a job at Starbucks? Really? And furthermore, how do agreements with governors to build local economies get confused with specific treaties to stop the Pakistani Army to enter the region?

This is a pathetic cover for the most serious failure in the ignominious history of the war on terror. The guy who's spent the last two weeks saying "the enemy will stop at nothing" thinks you can somehow bribe the Taliban to stop being the Taliban.

And again...

You know, we are watching this very carefully, obviously. We have made it … we have made it clear that, uh, he should not provide an environment that enables people to go from his country into Afghanistan. I haven't seen the statements that he made in Afghanistan yesterday or today, but he is in Afghanistan today, and I know President Karzai is concerned about, the issue of enabling the Taliban to move.

We're watching this very carefully. And when I say we, I mean that I'm not watching it at all. But somebody probably is. Maybe. I hope.

And so, we'll see how it shakes out. I will tell you this: President Musharraf, in my conversations with him, and I talk to him quite frequently, fully understands, and does not want his country to become a launching pad for military actions against neighbors and/or U.S. troops.

I would assume that Musharraf also does not want a bullet through the head, which he has nearly had on several occasions. Plus he's got the weaponry from the US he wanted, so why continue to cooperate? Not to mention the fact that he can SIGN PEACE TREATIES WITH THE TALIBAN AND AL-QAEDA and have the President of the US cover for him after he does it.

Meanwhile, the Taliban is setting off car bombs and killing US troops and more resurgent than ever, five years after 9-11. And they're being harbored by a nuclear power. And Iraq's about to break up.

Heckuva job.
