You Tube O' The Day
The Poor Man seems to think that He-Man was the worst cartoon of all time (I seem to remember watching it religiously).
Wrong. The Mr. T cartoon... SO MUCH worse.
First of all, somehow T was hooked up with a gymnastics team. I don't know if he was the coach or the creepy guy who hung around the high school. Second of all, his DOG HAD A MOHAWK. Third of all, the animation is no better than He-Man's despite the fact that it came out probably 10 years later. Fourth, absolutely nothing interesting happens in the open (literally they're all just doing gymnastics and walking around) until T and companion are bowled over in a powerboat by a large piece of lumber, throwing them into a pond with a hungry crocodile, who T promptly PICKS UP BY THE TAIL and hurls about 200 feet in the air. Other than that, no special powers. Just the ability to throw crocs.
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