TN-SEN: Tom-Tom Drums
So Bob Corker was so incensed with the "uppity blacks want to have sex with our white women" RNC ad against Harold Ford that he called for it to be taken off the air. And apparently, after two days of free media, the RNC obliged that request today.
I wonder if Corker will then take down his own radio ad which features tom-tom drums every time Ford's name is mentioned.
Listen to it.
I'm sure those drums, which evoke a jungle setting, are merely there for dramatic effect. Sure.
The dog-whistle politics in this race are getting ugly, and I'm afraid they'll probably have the desired effect for Corker, though I'd be pleased to be wrong. Whatever the case, Corker should be completely ashamed of himself for going this low and preying upon the fears of the ugliest, most racist elements of society in order to get elected.
All I have to say is, get ready, Mr. Obama, because there will be 6 months' worth of this if you run for President.
Hunter has more.

(h/t Billmon)
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