
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Let The Games Begin

It took exactly two days after the election for candidates to start crawling out of the woodwork for the Presidency. First the always uninspiring Tom Vilsack, chairman of the DLC, announced. Then, as expected, John McCain started down the path to the nomination. Sounds like they both got the right message from a change election where progressives and populists and economic liberals were elected all over the country: America needs me!

It's been said that the first disqualification for President is being stupid or prideful enough to want the job. I've been very clear as to my intentions for 2008, and I don't think they've significantly changed. Five years ago, after a tragic attack on our country, only one Senator had the foresight and self-control not to allow the event to dictate the destruction of our civil liberties and our military in unnecessary wars.

Protecting the safety of the American people is a solemn duty of the Congress; we must work tirelessly to prevent more tragedies like the devastating attacks of September 11th. We must prevent more children from losing their mothers, more wives from losing their husbands, and more firefighters from losing their heroic colleagues. But the Congress will fulfill its duty only when it protects both the American people and the freedoms at the foundation of American society. So let us preserve our heritage of basic rights. Let us practice as well as preach that liberty. And let us fight to maintain that freedom that we call America."

During the election Russ either campaigned with, sent staffers to, or supported financially 24 Democratic Senators and more House members. He helped deliver one pickup in the House in Wisconsin, a hold on the Governor's mansion and a pickup of the State Senate. Doing their part in 2006 to elect a Democratic majority should be a factor in 2008. Hillary Clinton frankly bungled an historic opportunity to make a clean sweep in New York. The candidate who did the best may well be Evan Bayh, who helped turn 3 seats blue in Indiana. But Senator Feingold did his part.

If Russ does run I suspect his campaign would be about health care, smaller government (Russ has one of the best libertarian ratings in the whole Senate), getting money out of politics, balancing civil liberties with fighting terror, international cooperation and economic fairness. He is still deciding his fate. I support the efforts of Run Russ Run in drafting Senator Feingold for this opportunity.
