
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

How's That Demonization Going?

One of the important developments out of Ciro Rodriguez' victory last night is what it means for an enduring Democratic coalition with the Latino community. And it's entirely of Republican's doing. Henry Bonilla's support for a fence along the Mexican border killed him among the border community. Bonilla didn't understand his own constituency:

Bonilla was a strong supporter of the tough-on-immigration measures sponsored by the Republicans. He voted for the construction of the 700-mile border fence, and supported Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner’s bill penalizing workers who hire illegal immigrants.

Based on the election results, it appears Latino voters – even among his previous supporters – turned on him and supported ex-Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D). In Maverick County (95% Hispanic), Bonilla won a miniscule 14% of the vote. By contrast, Bonilla carried the county in his comfortable 2004 win, and President Bush even performed respectably here in 2004 when he won 40%.

Val Verde County (76% Hispanic) has traditionally been a solidly pro-Bush, pro-Bonilla county. Bush carried it with 59% of the vote in 2004. But Bonilla barely carried it, only winning 51% there against Rodriguez.

By contrast, the majority-white counties in the district remained strongly pro-Bonilla. Medina County (45% Hispanic) overwhelmingly voted for Bonilla, giving him 68% of the vote. That’s not much of a dropoff from Bush’s 70% performance there in 2004.

It's important to note that this is not at all about identity politics. Henry Bonilla was the only Mexican-American Republican in the whole Congress. Here's the Burnt Orange Report:

Not only did Ciro's win in TX-23 make for a very nice Christmas gift to Democrats, it also is an investment. As many in Texas know, Bonilla (the only Mexican-American Republican in Congress) was the poster boy for the Republican Party's 'outreach' to Latino voters. Meaning of course, the photo-shopped version of someone who looks like you but sells you out and screws you over in reality.

Not only that, but it's an open secret that Bonilla had his eyes on becoming a US Senator for Texas. For now, we've taken away his launching pad and platform to run for statewide office.

Not only that, but Rodriguez, a progressive Mexican-American, should be able to hold this majority-Latino seat for a while, because he fits with the ideology of the district. And increasingly, Republicans are showing themselves to be enemies of Latinos, despite the fact that on social issues and traditional values, they often line up.

I'm telling you, more stories like this from Republican-run agencies will just kill them electorally more and more:

A troubling report from the DHS immigration raids yesterday, from the Salt Lake (Utah) Tribune. In this case, DHS agents allegedly separated workers by their skin color -- light-skinned were considered citizens, dark-skinned got scrutiny. Predicatably, they swept up at least one dark-skinned U.S. citizen up with immigrant workers:

If only for a few minutes, Maria felt like an ''illegal alien'' in her homeland - the United States of America.
She thought she was going on break from her job at the Swift & Co. meat processing plant here [in Hyrem, Utah] on Tuesday, but instead she and others were forced to stand in a line by U.S. immigration agents. Non-Latinos and people with lighter skin were plucked out of line and given blue bracelets.

The rest, mostly Latinos with brown skin, waited until they were ''cleared'' or arrested by ''la migra,'' the popular name in Spanish for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), employees said.

''I was in the line because of the color of my skin,'' she said, her voice shaking. ''They're discriminating against me. I'm from the United States, and I didn't even get a blue bracelet.'' . . .

The Latino population is among the fastest-growing in the country, and increasingly, the word "Republican" in those households is poison. These are American citizens who will vote against Republicans reflexively. If Democratic organizations can increase turnout among this community, they will have an excellent chance of winning for a long, long time.
