
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Importance of Being Malkin

So Michelle Malkin, who posted a photo of a "lonely John Kerry" yesterday to prove that he was being ostracized by the US military in the wake of his "botched joke," responded to questions about the picture's authenticity by posting... a picture, taken the same day, of Kerry talking to a bunch of soldiers.

The original "lonely Kerry" pic:

The corroborating second pic:

While this (and other evidence) proves that the initial pic was taken in Basra during Kerry's recent visit, it also proves that Kerry was NOT ostracized by the military. In fact, even in the first pic he appears to be talking to someone who is out of frame.

Malkin doesn't decide to mention this all. Even though the entire point of her first post mocking Kerry has been debunked. By her own doing.

And that was today's spin in the circular logic of the insaneosphere.
