
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Russ Feingold on the ISG

Run, Russ, run. Save us from these fools.

Unfortunately, the Iraq Study Group report does too little to change the flawed mind-set that led to the misguided war in Iraq. Maybe there are still people in Washington who need a study group to tell them that the policy in Iraq isn’t working, but the American people are way ahead of this report.

While the report has regenerated a few good ideas, it doesn’t adequately put Iraq in the context of a broader national security strategy. We need an Iraq policy that is guided by our top national security priority – defeating the terrorist network that attacked us on 9/11 and its allies. We can’t continue to just look at Iraq in isolation. Unless we set a serious timetable for redeploying our troops from Iraq, we will be unable to effectively address these global threats. In the end, this report is a regrettable example of ‘official Washington’ missing the point.

Did you know that 60% majorities of Americans want us out of Iraq now? Official Washington doesn't. David Broder doesn't. He thinks it's great that 10 rich people can slap each other on the back and claim what a great civilized time they had making recommendations that won't be taken, while thousands die.

These people are relics. Bipartisanship is not a strategy, especially when that twisted view of it rejects any kind of actual ideological balance (there was not one liberal on the ISG).
