
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Lordy, Help Us From The Cynicism of Robert Salladay

LA Times journo Robert Salladay picks up the story of progressive bloggers running for CDP elections, in particular me, and says "Lordy, help us."

And then this:

Don't expect a revolution or a leftward shift for the party. The establishment is too organized to let that happen.

I'm sure that's what the CDP thinks as well. Of course, the only way movements begin and catch fire is from the bottom up. You don't just get to be party chair first.

Kind of hilarious, all the tut-tutting from the establishment (and media figures like this are a part of it). All I have to say is "we'll see." By the way, check the Secretary of State's office is you don't think a leftward shift is possible.

UPDATE: Salladay updates:

Dday thinks I'm a bit cynical. OK, maybe a tad. But only about the dying party system!

The dying party system. You know that system that is controlled by an establishment that "is too organized" to the point of being impenetrable. It's so "dying" that it's ascendant! And monolithic and impossible to change and destined to remain in power forevah! And they throw great cocktail parties too!
