Virtual March On Washington
One thing I respected the hell out of Molly Ivins for was her ability to be consistently funny about politics, it's a rare art and skill and something to which I aspire online and offline. But in some of her last words in print, she knew that the time to be funny had passed. She knew what to say.
"We are the people who run this country. We are the deciders. And every single day, every single one of us needs to step outside and take some action to help stop this war," Ivins wrote in the Jan. 11 column. "We need people in the streets, banging pots and pans and demanding, 'Stop it, now!'"
Tomorrow, on February 1, is leading a virtual march on Washington. You click the link and sign up for a time to call your Representatives. The goal is to get a million calls in to DC opposing the escalation and opposing the war.
I know I slagged on the Senate for wanting to pass this nonbinding resolution, and I'm suspicious of their motives, but I also know the words of Molly Ivins. In this democracy, the people lead, and the smart politicians get in front of the parade and pretend they've been there all along. Our members of Congress need to hear from their constituents. It's up to us to say that this is the priority and they must stand strong. In truth, even something nonbinding would be the first opposition Bush has faced since this war began. If we continue to pressure our Congresscritters, we can end this war and get our troops home to their families.
Please sign up for the virtual march on Washington and do your part to make your voice heard. Do it for Molly.
Labels: activism, escalation, Iraq, Molly Ivins, MoveOn, netroots, surge
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