
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Lights are On, No One's Home

What a breathtaking day yesterday was, so much going on. But there was one thing I forgot to mention. In the wake of Ann Coulter's comments at CPAC (which are losting her advertisers), you would think it would register a mention that she appeared prominently at the beginning of Fox' 1/2 Hour News Hour show just two days later.

Of course, somebody would have had to have NOTICED that it was on.

And this is a fairly pathetic attempt at justification by my old friend Kurt Long, who clearly is so embarrassed by his performance that he changed his name for the show.

Dighton homey-gone-Hollywood Kurt Long doesn’t think his anchor gig on Fox News Channel’s “The 1/2 Hour News Hour” will torpedo his career.

“If Robert Downey Jr. can get busted for heroin, be found sleeping in a stranger’s bed and still be on the Academy Awards last week, how much could this hurt me,” laughed the co-anchor of FNC’s new right-wing news spoof.

So, ah, why hide behind the name “Kurt McNally” on the show????

“Is Kiefer Sutherland ‘hiding’ behind Jack Bauer on ‘24?’ ” said Long. “Being behind the desk on the show is just another acting gig for me. I’m not playing me (a la the left-leaning ‘Daily Show’ host Jon Stewart), I’m playing an anchorman who is oblivious to the jokes around him.”

Dude, friend, you're hiding. You're transparently hiding. There's no "mystery" to the vomitorium of comedy that is that show, no character to be projecting. You're not oblivious to the jokes, you're telling the jokes, and they're not funny. You're doing the devil's bidding, spitting out talking points that Republican operatives want in their audience's brain. You're mostly hiding from yourself.

And when the lede of a story is you claiming that your latest gig WON'T destroy your career, uh, it's destroyed your career.

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