The Tom DeLay Media Blitz
Tom DeLay is currently under indictment in Texas. Most people under indictment decline to talk to the media. This one's on a book tour. The question is, why would the media enable it?
DeLay wrote a book (OK, his ghostwriter wrote a book for him), "No Retreat, No Surrender" (is Bruce Springsteen looking to sue?), that will personally enrich him as he pays mounting legal bills to try and keep himself out of jail. In the past two days, DeLay has appeared on Meet The Press, NPR's Morning Edition, and the Today Show, commenting on the issues of the day like the US Attorney scandal, Iraq, and more, all the while promoting his book. In fact, at the end of Sunday's show, Tim Russert HELD UP HIS BOOK and mentioned it by name, will a little back and forth. It's not unusual to have authors on the Sunday shows promoting their product, but is it all that normal for Tim Russert, at the end of a policy discussion with four people, to completely switch gears and start promoting a book? Did Tom Andrews get a chance to promote his upcoming projects? Joe Sestak? Richard Perle? It was highly unusual to me.
The book is certainly controversial and provocative, with DeLay stepping on everyone in government who ever come in contact with him.
[Gingrich was an] ineffective Speaker. He knew nothing about running meetings and nothing about driving an agenda.
Nearly every other day he had a new agenda, a new direction he wanted us to take. It was impossible to follow him.
[The Republican] leadership was in no moral shape to press [for Clinton’s impeachment].
It is now public knowledge that Newt Gingrich was having an affair with a staffer during the entire impeachment crisis. Clearly, men with such secrets are not likely to sound a high moral tone at a moment of national crisis.
Incidentally, those quotes come from the book, out of a Robert Novak column in yet another example of book promotion for DeLay.
Why are all of these supposedly respectable outlets giving valuable air time to Tom DeLay while he is under indictment? Why are they indirectly funding his legal defense? And who put out the book in the first place?
Sentinel HC is the publisher of "No Retreat, No Surrender." They are a right-wing publishing house who, two years ago, put out the factually challenged "The Truth About Hillary" by Edward Klein, a book rife with inaccuracies and lies. Here are some of their other titles. It's a hit list of maybe the biggest dolts in the wingnut-welfare chain:
A Matter of Character : Inside the White House of George W. Bush
Ronald Kessler: Hardcover: Sentinel HC
George W. Bush is a direct and decisive man who is much nicer to his Secret Service agents than Bill Clinton was, according to author Ronald Kessler...
America's Victories: Why the U.S. Wins Wars and Will Win the War on Terror
Larry Schweikart: Hardcover: Sentinel HC
From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror, the American military has consistently beaten the odds. It's not luck.
Bringing the Jobs Home : How the Left Created the Outsourcing Crisis--and How We CanFix It
Todd G. Buchholz: Hardcover: Sentinel HC
Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help (and the Rest of Us)
Mona Charen: Hardcover: Sentinel HC
Charen focuses on the facts to reveal exactly why liberals are wrong-and how their proposals hurt the very people they claim to be fighting for...
Leaving the Left: Moments in the News That Made Me Ashamed to Be a Liberal
Keith Thompson: Hardcover: Sentinel HC
One man's personal story of his conversion from lockstep liberal to free-thinking conservative
New Glory : Expanding America's Global Supremacy
Ralph Peters: Hardcover: Sentinel HC
Since World War II, Americans have been the world’s true revolutionaries, expanding the frontiers of human liberty by fighting and winning ...
The Arrogance of the French : Why They Can't Stand Us--and Why the Feeling Is Mutual
Richard Chesnoff: Hardcover: Sentinel HC
Imagine the fun Mark Twain would have had with France’s undeclared war on America...
The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought
John Gibson: Hardcover: Sentinel HC
Yes, Virginia, there is a war on Christmas...
Women Who Make the World Worse: and How Their Radical Feminist Assault Is Ruining Our Schools, Families, Military, and Sports
Kate O'Beirne: Hardcover: Sentinel HC
A top conservative writer explores the feminist assault on our families, schools, workplaces, and military
Now, only a publishing house who prints this kind of piffle would then let Tom DeLay's ghostwriter pen a book. And they have every right to do so.
I'm just wondering why NBC and NPR feel the need to turn over their shows to what amounts to a fundraiser for a court case. And I hope Ronnie Earle and prosecutors in Texas have their TiVos handy, as anything he says can and ought to be used against him.
Labels: Meet The Press, NPR, Sentinel Publishing, Tim Russert, Tom DeLay
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