
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Friday, May 11, 2007

Conservative Corrupt-o-Fighting!

Earlier today I wrote that Ken Calvert got John Doolittle's "token corrupt Californian" seat on the House Appropriations Committee. What I didn't know is that this has raised the ire... of the right?

I care a lot about the House of Representatives, I care a lot about our members and once someone is ethically challenged and gets in trouble it effects all of us. … I appreciate the high ethical standards that [Boehner] has set … but I believe the bar was lowered today when our conference chose to vote Ken Calvert onto the Appropriations Committee.

That was Ray LaHood of Illinois, going after one of his colleagues in the media. And it doesn't stop there. RedState has declared war on Calvert. Minority Leader John Boehner is getting a lot of heat from organized phone campaigns.

Wow. Do they not know that half their delegation is just as corrupt? (Incidentally, Calvert's going to be moving up in my next House target list. Do we have a candidate?)

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