
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday Random Ten

Down to a 7-song commute (Save the Planet!), so I'm sitting in the car hitting the "next" button for a few minutes to come up with...

One Line - PJ Harvey
Obstacle 1 - Interpol
NYC - Interpol (!)
1972 - Josh Rouse
I've Got A Match - They Might Be Giants
Love on the Rocks - Neil Diamond
Regulate - Warren G (I think Neil Diamond is opening for Warren G this summer)
Jerk Baby Jerk - The Jerky Boys (it's a novelty song)
Great Spot - Kinky
Roland - Interpol (!)

Wow, three Interpol songs off the same album. They have a new one coming out soon, by the way. Also, I recommend the new Bjork and the new Kings of Leon.

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