
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Oh, He's Done

Rudy G, getting all belligerent on the radio.

When Ingraham ended the segment with a standard line about his returning again, a clearly agitated Giuliani responded: "I would love to come back, but you're going to have to ask me about the war on terror and what we do about the economy, which is after all what most citizens ask me about."

"Well, conservatives are citizens, too, Mayor Giuliani!" Ingraham responded. "We're citizens, too."

Why do these people (Imus, Giuliani) get in trouble for a comment, and think the smart thing to do is go directly to the most adversarial media appearance, when they know that they're loose cannons and there's a great potential to make the problem worse? Rudy Giuliani hates criticism. Why would his handlers open him to it, strategically speaking?

If Rudy makes it to Iowa without physically shoving a conservative, consider me surprised.

By the way, Fred Thompson was once pro-choice, too. This Republican field is the comedy gift that keeps on giving...

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