
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Reporting the Real News

In a week with more historic votes on Iraq (in Washington and in Baghdad), with a potential free trade "deal" that looks like a possible betrayal, with wildfires burning up most of Southern California, &c., apparently it's crucial for the L.A. Times to devote a big chunk of its editorial page today to what characters Marvel will spin off into movies now that all of its top-tier heroes are used up. Written by, I believe, the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.

On a similar topic, here's what they've got John Stossel going all in-depth on over at ABC:

Can a Penny Dropped From a Building Kill a Pedestrian Below?

John Stossel Tackles the Killer Penny Myth

After that he's going to "tackle" the Jolt-Cola-and-pop-rocks scenario that has folks staying awake at night. Then he'll actually make bread while convening a circus and hand the bread out to people.

Sigh. A media, a media, my kingdom for a halfway decent media.

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