
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Deported for Looking Brown

is truly disturbing, and also exactly what to expect when you mix a cocktail of angry rhetoric about filthy illegals and a beleagured law enforcement system that wants to show the public they're doing something about it.

Pedro Guzman, a 29-year old developmentally disabled construction worker from Lancaster, CA (and American citizen) [...] was taken from his L.A. County jail cell on May 11 and dumped in Tijuana by the L.A. County Sheriff's Department [...]

After being arrested for misdemeanor trespassing, Guzman was sentenced to 120 days in Los Angeles County's Men's Central Jail, a sentence that he began serving in April. A month later, he called his family from Tijuana telling them he'd been deported and was in Mexico but the call was interrupted before he could tell them exactly where he was.

One of the things this anti-brown crowd (let's call it exactly what it is) has done quite effectively is blame any societal problem on the influx of illegal immigrants. This is typically not true, but it doesn't stop them, as the scapegoat is quite convenient and voiceless. I've seen the prison crisis in California blamed on illegals time and again, and it seems this line of BS has extended out to state law enforcement. They LOOVE to get people out of the system, no matter if they have to dump them in Tijuana or a posh Beverly Hills mansion. So they succumb to their worst impulses by viewing every Hispanic in jail as possibly an immigrant they can move on to Mexico.

Under a cooperative program by state and local law enforcement, sheriff's deputies trained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel conduct immigration checks at Los Angeles County jails. The ACLU and immigrant rights groups opposed the program.

"The deputies who interviewed Mr. Guzman are poorly versed in the complexities of immigration law and were bound to make this tragic error," the suit states. "Additionally, the deputies are pressured to process inmates through the (jail system's) Inmate Reception Center as quickly as possible with little regard for his rights, because there are so many inmates to process."

This is a developmentally disabled American citizen who didn't know what he was signing when he allowed himself to be deported despite not being undocumented. Get ready for more of this kind of "he looked brown" approach to fighting immigration violations. And the people who yell in the streets most loudly about how "you can't reward breaking the law!" have to answer for these kinds of miscarriages of justice. The idea that they have any respect for the rule of law is a hoot. They hate brown people and find them easy to blame for everything they find wrong about this country. No more, no less.

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