
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

It's Official: Thompson Amassing War Criminal Chest

So after being a high-profile member of Scooter Libby's Legal Defense Fund team, after having a former Nixon spy run his conference calls, Fred Thompson has bolstered his war criminal chest by hiring master cager Tim Griffin as a campaign aide.

The guy does have a hell of a resume, to be fair - did you hear he was US Attorney for Arkansas?

Oh yeah, apparently Thompson's also lying about his abortion record. But that just puts him on the same level as the rest of the top-tier Republican candidates. I think the GOP might do better with a nominee like a life-size standee of Harrison Ford from Air Force One. At least the cardboard cut-out might not have a legislative past.

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