Make Me Barf
Let me just say that I don't want to say anything about this deeply conservative Supreme Court, which wrapped up trashing Americans' rights and overturning precedents that go back to the end of the Gilded Age with a series of harmful opinions today. It's clear that the Federalist Society conservative project has a deep hold on the Roberts Court, and the conservative bloc will be issuing terrible opinions for a long time to come. The Presidency in 2008 is vital, because John Paul Stevens' health is all that's keeping this Court from total disaster. And even then, it's pretty awful. Still, for the next generation, Democrats can do no better than capturing 2 out of 3 branches of government (or 3 out of 4, depending on your perspective).
UPDATE: What Stephen Breyer said (h/t AmericaBlog)

Labels: 2008, Supreme Court
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