
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Saturday Quick Hits

Just your friendly neighborhood blogosphere round up:
  • Howard Dean will be in L.A. on Wednesday. $50 to come see the chairman and support the 50-state strategy. Hey, that's a buck a state, a bargain!
  • Check out the latest 50-sate blog round-up, a great compilation of posts from the state-based progressive blogosphere. And yes, dday, you made the cut...again.
  • Speaking of dday, go check out his take on the Paris Hilton situation over at calitics.
  • What the heck did Barbara Boxer mean by this?
  • This is the latest reminder that on Iraq, we don't have a majority. Remember, everyone, more US troop deaths means we're winning!
  • Looks like criticism of Bush's "pray the gay away" Surgeon General nominee is finally getting some media coverage. James Holsinger's nomination is before a committee that includes Senators Clinton, Obama and Dodd. Good for Clinton for being the first (and thus far only) one of them to say she will oppose his nomination.
